First Few Weeks With Little K

I’ve been struggling with what to write about our transition with Little K, but I think I’ve identified the problem. See, I tend to write posts from the point of tension, conflict, grief or some new knowledge. It’s that creative writing 101 anthem of where’s the trouble. This is the problem. There is no trouble.

Little K is just pretty much perfect. The transition time in Dallas was great. The foster parents (FP) were so loving and caring and they had fallen madly in love with him. After the first day when we met him at the agency, we went to the FP’s house and we all played on the floor while he moved between us. He was so accepting and it was nice to be able to bring him back to his safe place at the end of every day. You could see him relax, exhale, sleep when he got home. It just gave us all a little breather and took the pressure off for a few hours. By the end of the week, he’d cry when we left the FP’s house without him.

The flight home was trying at times but nothing unexpected for a 1 year old. At home Josie was waiting for us outside and beside herself with excitement. She hugged him and kissed him and continued to play with him even after he captured two fistfuls of her hair. She bought him a red fire truck with sirens and lights and showed him how it worked.

Over the next few days, she gradually came to understand that she did not get to feed, change, and diaper the baby by HERSELF. She, of course, could help or, she could change her own baby while I changed K but that was never good enough. So, we’ve been spending some time coming up with a job description for a big sister and we’re open to your suggestions. What are the big sister’s primary duties?

The first week we were home, Josie went to school as usual and Paul and I watched him while he slept. He slept a lot but he also seemed to be adjusting just fine. He was fascinated by the dog and his favorite thing to do was stand on the couch and stare at her in the back yard. He likes to cuddle after his nap and he loves it when I chase him out of the kitchen. He giggles and shrieks and pats his hands on his chest as if to say hey, how do you like me now? He’s recently started clapping and he’s so pleased he can make that clicking sound with his tongue.

Things were going so well that first week that we decided to take long-scheduled vacation to the island the following week. The weather was awesome. We walked on the beach, swam in the lake. What more is there to say?

We see occasional glimpses into the difficult transition he must be feeling. Sometimes he has a hard time falling asleep at night or wakes up in the middle of the night, looks around and for his FP’s or previous caretakers. There’s lots of rocking then and if he really can’t settle down, we try the baby carrier (oh, my aching back!) or watch some Baby Einstein (awesome) at 3:00 in the morning.

Now Paul is back at work, Josie is back to school. I’m here folding laundry, weeding the garden, chasing the baby out of the kitchen and watching Baby Einstein and maybe an episode or two of The Office when I can’t fall back to sleep.

9 thoughts on “First Few Weeks With Little K

  1. Barb

    Yay! That’s fantastic. I am GO glad that everyone seems to be having an easy transition…. especially K and J. Love the pictures and the brief glimpse into your new life.

  2. Anna

    I’m so thrilled for you – and let us know when you want to introduce him to some big boys to play with! 🙂 We can come to you between nap times, pretty easy for us.

  3. Amy

    Love it! Totally want to know more but am tickled that there isn’t anything other than normal to report! Stop looking for trouble (it will always find you) and just let yourself ENJOY this time.


  4. peggy

    I cannot tell you what a joy it was to meet, and to play with, K this afternoon. This is the best of all possible situations–really! And I know you know it. All my thoughts and prayers and love to you and to Paul and J and K. In the end, it all won’t be without work and heartache, but you guys are off to an awesome start!

  5. Harriet Glynn

    I just have to keep repeating this, and apologies for my enthusiasm: he is just SO ADORABLE! Ok, I’ll stop. So happy for you guys! I hope to meet you all one day. Theo would be in between the two so it would be total chaos 🙂

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